Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (2/2)
How did the Companions follow the Prophet in every single word he uttered? What is the wisdom behind obligating prayer?
How did the Companions follow the Prophet in every single word he uttered? What is the wisdom behind obligating prayer?
God, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, will not hold him to account or punish him for following a false religion before he reaches the age of reason and is exposed to the pure message of Islam.
What is the importance of prayer in the life of the Muslim? What is the first thing that a servant will be held accountable for?
Why Muslims offer prayer? What is the effect of prayer on the personality? How does prayer change the Muslim behavior? What should the Muslim do between prayers? How could the slave appreciate Allah?
Why do we need prayer? How does prayer meet man’s need for divine guidance? What is the meaning behind that standing between the hands of God?
What should you do if you miss the sunnah of Fajr Prayer? What are the merits of the two rak`ahs before Fajr Prayer?