Marriage by Abduction (Rakshasa Vivaha) in Hinduism
Islamic culture has left a significant impact on Indian culture and it reformed many Hindu religious ideologies and stereotypes also Islam has enlightened the religious thinking in India.
Islamic culture has left a significant impact on Indian culture and it reformed many Hindu religious ideologies and stereotypes also Islam has enlightened the religious thinking in India.
It is worth to mention here some hymns that are chanted at the time of marriage contract, which contain a lot of indecent words. This is not a secret or hidden thing; it is a visible matter during the marriage contracts in India.
Islam comprises teachings and injections for honoring the woman as a daughter, mother, wife, sister, aunt married or widow, not only this, but also Islam has honored woman at every stage of her life.
By Editorial Staff Permissible Sex: Worthy of Reward in Islam This issue has been elucidated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he said: “And in man’s sexual intercourse (with his wife) there is a Sadaqah (or a reward equal to a charity given to poor).” They (the Companions) asked: “O Messenger of Allah! […]
Most animals do not have sex only for sex; rather, they have sex in the natural seasons for reproduction.
The mischievous Krishna steals the clothes of the milkmaids, who were bathing in river Yamuna. He forced them to come out unclothed to beg for their clothes.