Is Sujud the Best Time for Making Du`aa?
Is it permissible to make duaa (supplication) during sujud? Can I make it in my own language? Watch this video to get the answer.
Is it permissible to make duaa (supplication) during sujud? Can I make it in my own language? Watch this video to get the answer.
What Is the Ruling of Making Ruku While the Imam Made Sujud of Recitation? Watch this short video to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What did Malcolm X say about Prostration? What are the virtues of prostration in prayer?
Why do we pray? What is the purpose of our creation?
What is the secret of prostration? Does Mohamed Salah worship one God? How does prostration reflect humility to God?
What are the pillars of prayer without which the prayer is invalid? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
Enjoy listening to the verses recited with khushu’ and learn the movements made in each rak`ah including sujud and ruku`
What Is the Ruling on Prayer of One Who Falls Asleep in Sujud (prostration)? Watch this short answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.