Hindu Yoga and the Five Prayers in Islam (2/3)
All elements of the unification of thought exist in the prayer in Islam in a distinct way that could not be found in the Hindu yoga, or in the worship of any other religion.
All elements of the unification of thought exist in the prayer in Islam in a distinct way that could not be found in the Hindu yoga, or in the worship of any other religion.
By: Editorial staff Is Yoga a Source of Supernatural Powers? Yoga has been considered since ancient times a method to get extraordinary power, even in the present era, many Hindu yogis exercise yoga for this purpose. However, now the experts of yoga began to declare that yoga is means of physical and mental strength. For…
We were at the district collocterate, then we were transformed by police from police station to a jungle where we were threatened and we were beaten.
The concept of monotheism in Islam and its ethical principles impressed him and attracted him to Islam.
A Hindu brother accepted Islam and invites Hindu brothers and sisters to accept Islam, the true and final Message of Allah.
Perhaps among all people, it makes me the saddest person in the world when I hear people accusing Islam.
The first human-being; his holiness; Adam (peace be upon him) landed on the earth of India first and built a place of worship there.
The Prophet Muhammad said: “If a single person were to sleep hungry in a town, then Allah’s protection is lifted from such a town.”
Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakah is mentioned together with Salah in eighty two verses of the Glorious Qur’an.
Hinduism has some sorts of worship similar to the worships in Islam, however, in Hinduism those worships have been twisted and changed and were mixed with polytheistic rituals and additions.