Psychological Benefits of the Prayer
What do scientists say about the psychological benefits of prayer? How could a Muslim face difficulties and hardships through Prayer?
What do scientists say about the psychological benefits of prayer? How could a Muslim face difficulties and hardships through Prayer?
What is the relationship between faith and prayer? How does Allah describe prayer in the Qur’an?
Why do we pray? How could we escape or relieve ourselves from the worries of this life? What is the significance of the adhan? What do you feel when you hear the call to prayer?
Why Muslims offer prayer? What is the effect of prayer on the personality? How does prayer change the Muslim behavior? What should the Muslim do between prayers? How could the slave appreciate Allah?
What are the formulae of the opening supplications in prayer? What should one say after the opening supplication?
How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How could you perform a genuine prayer? What is the real objective of prayer?
Where did the Prophet Muhammad meet the Prophets? What did Prophet Moses tell him in the sixth level of heaven? How did the Prophet go back to Makkah after the Night Journey?
What are the words of adhan?
Why do we pray? What is the purpose of our creation?
What are the things that would nullify wiping over the socks? How could we count the period of wiping? Does taking of the socks nullify the state of ablution?