The Life in Prayer
What is meant by life in Prayer? What is are the secrets of the accepted salat (Prayer)? How could you feel the spirituality in Prayer?
What is meant by life in Prayer? What is are the secrets of the accepted salat (Prayer)? How could you feel the spirituality in Prayer?
What is meant by prostration? How to perform it? What is the Prophet’s guidance in performing it?
What acts should Muslims avoid on Friday prayer? What are the common mistakes made by imam in Friday Prayer? What is the Prophet’s guidance regarding Friday khutbah?
What is the Prophet’s guidance in concluding his prayer?
What shall be done once you finish the obligatory prayer? What is the object of changing positions after performing obligatory prayer?
Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof?
What is the difference between permanent and temporarily travel as regarding fasting? Do they have the same ruling concerning shortening prayer? In which case, a traveler is allowed to break his fast?
What is the ruling of combining prayers in Islam?
What is the ruling of prayer? How could you prove the great excellence of prayer in Islam? Does the judge or the guardian has the right to punish the one who abandons his prayer?
Is shaking hands after ending the prayer an innovation?