What Is the Maximum Period of Post-Natal Bleeding?
What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum period of post-natal bleeding? Watch to get the answer.
What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum period of post-natal bleeding? Watch to get the answer.
He taught humanity how to live in the most productive and meaningful way. He taught that humans are not just responsible for being just to one another but also to other life beings.
The Prophet preached to the Jews and hoped and prayed for their salvation. The incident at Banu Qurayzah is often cited as the brutal murder of innocent Jews, but what is often left out is its historical context.
When asked by some of companions “How was the character of the Prophet?” `A’isha said, “His character was the Qur’an” (Al-Bukhari)
The Makkan period revelations consisted of defining true monotheism, correcting the peoples corrupt beliefs, describing the reality of life after death and calling to good morals and ethics.
In everyday life we see that society consists of many different kinds of people, all of whom excel in his own field, and each provides a service for the other. Similarly, men and women are different sexes and play vital roles in their own areas of excellence.
Huda TV presents a step by step guide on how to perform Hajj following the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
This article compares the philosophy of sacrifice in Islam and Hinduism referring to some Sanskrit Dictionaries and Hindu scriptures.
This article tries to introduce the ritual of animal worship in Hinduism and why animals have been regarded as holy in Hinduism.
God does not have any mother or father, no children or any wife. He is Alone, and One. How will you build a temple having statue and statue of the family?