What Shall I Do If I Forget Sujud As-Sahw?
What is Sujud As-Sahw? How could you offer prostration of forgetfulness? What is the ruling of forgetting Sujud As-Sahw after the fard Prayer?
What is Sujud As-Sahw? How could you offer prostration of forgetfulness? What is the ruling of forgetting Sujud As-Sahw after the fard Prayer?
What are the types of the vaginal discharge? Do they necessitate performing ghusl (ritual bath)? Watch this important video to get the answers.
What is the ruling of delaying the sunnah prayer of the Zhuhr due to school or business? Watch this short video to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the ruling of movements while offering prayer? What are the movements that invalidate one’s prayer? Watch to get the answer.
What is the ruling If the time of prayer will end and I have not offered the obligatory prayer yet? What is the ruling of missing a prayer in bus or car?
Is it recommended to increase the number of rows in the funeral prayer (Salat Al-Janazah)? Watch this short video to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
Can we treat the Adhan on phone and Adhan of Masjid similarly? Watch this short video to get the answer with Sheikh Navaid Aziz.
What is the ruling of not offering janazah (Funeral prayer) for someone who did not pray? Watch this short video to get the answer.
What should I do if I go to the Masjid to pray a particular prayer and then I remembered that I forgot to pray the previous prayer (salah)? Watch this short video to get the answer.
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to enter the masjid? Is it permissible to sit in a place attached to the mosque? Watch to get the answer.