Offer Prayer till Death
What is the importance of prayer? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) observe his prayer? Watch this interesting talk to get answers.
What is the importance of prayer? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) observe his prayer? Watch this interesting talk to get answers.
I’m overloaded that I cannot pray five times a day. So what? Why the burden?
How could a slave achieve the sincerity and devotion to Allah during Prayer? What are the levels of devotion in prayer? Read this article to get the answer.
What are the virtues of prayer in Islam? What is the first thing that a person will be asked about on the Day of Judgment? Read this article to get the answer.
O you who have abandoned the prayer! What is left of your Islam after you have abandoned them? Do not you know that it is the backbone of Islam!
How could Salah (Prayer) increase the nearness of Allah Almighty? How could you strengthen your relation with Allah through Prayer?
What is meant by life in Prayer? What is are the secrets of the accepted salat (Prayer)? How could you feel the spirituality in Prayer?
What are the merits and virtues of praying on regular basis? Watch this interesting talk to get the answer with Dr. Muhamma Salah.
Enjoy listening to the verses recited with khushu’ and learn the movements made in each rak`ah including sujud and ruku`
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of Sujud (prostration), what to say during the prostration, what supplication should be recited during the prostration, what to say between the two prostrations. They also explain the second rak`ah (unit).