Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?
What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’an at home?
What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’an at home?
What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of Jumu`ah? What is the best way to remember Allah?
What is meant by the Witr prayer? What is its ruling? How could you offer the Witr prayer? How could one make up for the missed Witr prayer?
To know more about the rulings of making duaa before and after tasleem in prayer, you could watch this short talk with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the ruling of stretching one’s legs or back towards the Qilblah (direction of prayer)? Watch this short talk to get the answer.
What is the ruling of oral sex in Islam? Does oral sex necessitate performing Ghusl (Ritual Bath)? What makes ghusl obligatory? Find the answers here.
How could one make the intention before offering Friday prayer?
What is the ruling of water left in a container after a cat, pig, or dog?
What is the ruling of listening to the Friday sermon? Is it allowed to leave the Friday Prayer? What is the importance of Friday Prayer?