Unable to Offer Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer Due to Work
What is the importance of offering Friday Prayer?
What is the importance of offering Friday Prayer?
What is the ruling of shortening the prayer if some one intends to travel and reside more than four days? Watch this video to get the answer.
During Hajj, the pilgrims relive the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them). Allah was pleased with their sacrifice and so He has destined all Pilgrims to revive certain moments of their life.
A Muslim woman and a lover of the Qur’an writes the Glorious Qur’an on cloth with the thread and the needle by her hand.
He had preached against idolatry and the worship of other beings besides Allah, and had denounced their way of life.
The examples of mosque demolition are scattered in the folds of the history books and travel books by the travelers who visited India during the middle ages.
The worship in Islam is not directed to Ka`bah itself; rather it is directed to the Lord of Ka`abh, the Lord of whole universe.
In this video, brother Salahuddin Patel points out that Hinduism is not a single religion, rather, Hinduism is a collection of many religions and philosophies in India.
Fasting promotes the spirit of human equality before Allah. All able Muslims, male and female, rich and poor, from all ethnic and national backgrounds go through the same experience of fasting.
يبين الشيخ أحمد ديدات أن المسلمين يؤمنون بـ”الإنجيل” المقصود به الوحي الذي أنزله الله عز وجل على نبيه عيسى عليه السلام وليس الأناجيل المعاصرة