Can I Make Duaa in My Own Language in Sujud?
What are the comprehensive supplications that one could make during prayer?
What are the comprehensive supplications that one could make during prayer?
What are the virtues of staying in the mosque to make dhikr and worship Allah?
Is there a specific supplication or dhikr to be said during the sitting of the imam between the two khutbahs of Jumuah?
What are the virtues of offering prayer on their times?
What are the necessary qualities for an Imam to have in order to lead a congregational prayer?
To know more about the rulings of making duaa before and after tasleem in prayer, you could watch this short talk with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the ruling of delivering Friday Khutbah in a language other than Arabic? Watch this interesting talk to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
Is it permissible to offer an obligatory prayer (fard prayer) before its fixed time? Watch this short video to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the ruling of reciting short verses or surahs after Al-Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th Rakahs during the obligatory prayer? Watch this video!
Watch this short talk about the ruling on du`aa’ between the two prostrations, with Dr. Muhammad Salah.