Delaying the Fajr Prayer
What is the deadline for Fajr prayer? To know the answer, watch this short video by Dr. Muhammad Salah produced by Huda TV.
What is the deadline for Fajr prayer? To know the answer, watch this short video by Dr. Muhammad Salah produced by Huda TV.
How does Islam stress the importance of Fajr Prayer?
Why is it invalid to delay Fajr Prayer?
How should on make up for missed prayers? What is the status of the Fajr prayer? What is the importance of prayer?
Does one have to make up the missed witr prayers?
What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer?
What are the virtues of staying in the mosque to make dhikr and worship Allah?
What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer? Does taraweeh in Ramadan mean tahajjud?
What is the Ruling of offering the sunnah of Fajr (Dawn) Prayer before the adhan (call of prayer)? Watch this video to get the answer.
If I intended to pray witr three rak`ahs then I heard the adhan, could I just offer the witr only one rak`ah? Watch this short video to get the answer.