Making Supplication after Reciting Tashahhud in Prayer
What are the virtues of making supplication (du`aa’) after tashahhud in prayer? Is it permissible to make supplications from the Qur’an?
What are the virtues of making supplication (du`aa’) after tashahhud in prayer? Is it permissible to make supplications from the Qur’an?
What is the meant by the opening supplication (duaa) in prayer? When should one recite it? What is its ruling? Watch to get the answer.
What are the virtues of making duaa during prayer? What is the ruling of making duaa after the obligatory prayer? Watch to get the answer.
When should one raise hands in duaa (supplication? When should not one raise hands in supplication? Watch this short video to get the answer.
It’s when the entire world fades away, only me and Him in a sea of peace I find ultimate relief, speak not the utterance of tongue, but that of the heart…
Is it permissible to make duaa (supplication) during sujud? Can I make it in my own language? Watch this video to get the answer.