Bhagavata Purana Talks about Islam
Bhagavata Puran, Askand 12, Adhyay 2, Ashlok 19 mentions the advent and the signs of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Bhagavata Puran, Askand 12, Adhyay 2, Ashlok 19 mentions the advent and the signs of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
“Do not think that he is only of you, and do not divide, the Prophet is mine on the same level as the Prophet is yours.”
Adam and (Eve) Hawwa the first male and female were created specially by Allah the Almighty from clay.
By Editorial Staff In this video, a Hindu speaker talks about the contribution of Muslims in building the Indian civilization in the Indian Subcontinent over the ages, specially, during the Middle Ages. In this connection, the speaker mentions one of the Seven Wonders of the World; the pride of India; Tajmahal in Delhi. Contribution of […]
No one on this globe will get the salvation unless he believes in the revealed scripture that came from heaven or the Glorious Qur’an.
I thank Allah the Almighty the Lord of the universe. It is His mercy. Thanks to Allah.
It is worth mentioning that there are horrible violence and injustice on the lower castes of Indian people or minorities from the upper castes.
Compulsion in religion is not acceptable in Islam. And this is not the sayings of scholars and jurists of Islam; rather, it is the ruling of Qur’an itself.
Human beings are beaten and trampled mercilessly on the ground by some Hindus who have been brainwashed with extremist ideas.
Divorce is a good option and valuable cure if it is used in its proper place and due need but if it is used in a bad way then it is the user’s fault not the divorce.