Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?
Is it permissible to postpone fasting during Ramadan this year and when one is safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19), one would fast for thirty days?
Is it permissible to postpone fasting during Ramadan this year and when one is safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19), one would fast for thirty days?
What is the Islamic rule regarding holding funeral prayer for an absent deceased led by an Imam through a live broadcast to avoid Coronavirus?
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19, what is the Islamic rule regarding paying the zakah of wealth and zakat al-fitr to hospitals and old people’s homes?
This is an honest call to make the crisis of Coronavirus (COVID-19) which we all experience a critical decisive moment, to get out of it knowing the truth of life, and what is waiting for us afterwards.
During the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the world realized that there is an absolute power that manages the whole world.
In light of the COVID-19 lockdown, how should Muslims offer the Eid prayer? Shedding more light on the question at hand, we would like to quote the following statement:
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19, what is the Islamic rule regarding paying the zakah of wealth and zakat al-fitr to hospitals and old people’s homes?
What is the ruling of shaving the beard to properly fit the N95 mask for protection against Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
After the outbreak of Coronavirus, the Health World Organization declared a state of emergency. In order to avoid being infected with Coronavirus
The European Council of Imams issued the following statement on how to deal with Coronavirus (COVID 19): Schools have been closed, sports events have been