What Are the Six Fundamentals of the Muslim Faith?
In this short video, we learn the six fundamentals of the Muslim faith to establish our certainty, and live our lives in their light.
In this short video, we learn the six fundamentals of the Muslim faith to establish our certainty, and live our lives in their light.
Whoever is free from the major and minor acts of Shirk and keeps away from major sins, such will have a complete security in this world and the Hereafter.
The article explains the Name of Almighty God, Allah, and shows that He is the Only True God who deserves worship while other Gods are false.
Does God get tired? Does God have any weaknesses? Does God have parents? Is God in need of our worship?
Is God similar to anybody? Watch this short video to find the answer to all these questions.
The article is contemplation on the beautiful Name of Allah “Al-Hafizh (All-Preserver)” and how one can acquire His preservation in all conditions.
Everything which occurred in the past, is occurring in the present, and will occur in the future in this universe was known to Allah before it came to be.
The True God is the One Whom all hearts worship and for Whom they are full of love, to the exclusion of any other thing.