Will a Hindu Enter the Paradise?
If you believe in Islam, there is no reason for not to convert to Islam, because, belief in Islam, necessarily leads to the action.
If you believe in Islam, there is no reason for not to convert to Islam, because, belief in Islam, necessarily leads to the action.
If your mind cannot imagine the creation of a simple thing like computer by itself, how can we accept the creation of the whole universe?
The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmitted orally.
This article compares the philosophy of sacrifice in Islam and Hinduism referring to some Sanskrit Dictionaries and Hindu scriptures.
God does not have any mother or father, no children or any wife. He is Alone, and One. How will you build a temple having statue and statue of the family?
This video presents a Hindu child who is blind and performs the daily Muslim prayer (Namaz) since he was 4.
“It always respects all equally, Islam is the only help for the lowers or untouchables on the globe.”
The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wife between more than one people.
Allah is One, none is similar to Him nor equal to Him. He does not need anyone and entire creation needs Him.
Furthermore, who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; whether, the murdered is a Hindu, Christian, Buddhist or follower of any religion.