The Spirit of Islam: The Islamic Approach
The Islamic Approach: This fundamental position is common to all great religions, whatever their specific doctrines be; and equally common to all of them
The Islamic Approach: This fundamental position is common to all great religions, whatever their specific doctrines be; and equally common to all of them
Should we associate the label of Christianity with the doctrines of original sin, the Deity of Jesus, the Trinity, crucifixion, and atonement?
By Editorial Staff While the Holy Trinity underlies the contemporary Christianity, we do not come across this doctrine in clear terms in the Bible, either in the Old Testament or the New Testament. So many people do not know that the Holy Trinity is mainly attributable to the First Council of Nicaea held in 325…
By Editorial Staff What is the first pillar of Islam? What is the Shahadah? How to become a Muslim? Who is a Muslim? What is the central message of Prophets and Messengers? Watch this video to know the answer to these questions.“the-Shahada.mp4 Source of the video: Guide to Islam Channel Source of…
Muslims believe that Islam is not a new religion. They believe that Islam is a continuation of the message of all the Prophets who came before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon all of them).
By Dr. Yasir Qadhi A lot of people are forwarding messages from scholars (or others) who are claiming that the coronavirus spreading in the city of Wuhan is a Divine Punishment upon the Chinese people for what is happening to the Uighurs. This type of categorical declaration is not only unbefitting from a theological perspective,…
From birth to death there’s a whole drama in between. How do you fill that gap? Is your life still a series of reactions to what happens to you or what you go through?
By Faten Sabri From the time of Adam[1], God (Allah) the Creator assigned the most righteous person as a prophet to a particular society to guide mankind. The Creator’s message is to believe in Him and worship Him alone. Whenever people slipped into moral decline by worshiping other things or humans with Him, He would…
What is the story of the battle of Badr? What was the number of the Muslim army? What was the reason of the battle? When did the battle took place?
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [Monotheist]. And he was not of the polytheists.