Significance of Zakah
The Prophet Muhammad said: “If a single person were to sleep hungry in a town, then Allah’s protection is lifted from such a town.”
The Prophet Muhammad said: “If a single person were to sleep hungry in a town, then Allah’s protection is lifted from such a town.”
Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakah is mentioned together with Salah in eighty two verses of the Glorious Qur’an.
Hinduism has some sorts of worship similar to the worships in Islam, however, in Hinduism those worships have been twisted and changed and were mixed with polytheistic rituals and additions.
Hindu scripture allows non-Brahmins only to void feces and urine, in the daytime turning to the north, at night turning towards the south, during the two twilights in the same (position) as by day.
This article compares the philosophy of sacrifice in Islam and Hinduism referring to some Sanskrit Dictionaries and Hindu scriptures.
This article tries to introduce the ritual of animal worship in Hinduism and why animals have been regarded as holy in Hinduism.
Upon whom was the prayer obligated? What are the virtues of prayer in Islam? What is the spiritual impact of prayer?
The question is: If the moon, thesun, water and human, etc. were created by God, then why we need to worship these idols which were made by human hands?
In Hinduism, it is generally recognized that most daan is directed towards Brahmins. This is broadly in line with the pauranik directives.
God does not have any mother or father, no children or any wife. He is Alone, and One. How will you build a temple having statue and statue of the family?