براعم الإيمان العدد 339
ملحق مجلة الوعي الإسلامي
ملحق مجلة الوعي الإسلامي
How should you feel the different acts of prayer? How should you perform the prayer as correctly as the Prophet did?
مجلة الفرقان العدد 555
نقد التسامح الليبرالي اختار الدكتور محمد بن أحمد مفتي في كتابه “نقد التسامح الليبرالي” قضية فرعية من القضايا التي يدور حولها الجدل والنقاش
The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits
How did Abu Bakr become the first caliph? What kind of leader was he? What does make a legacy of him? How did he stand in Arabia after…?
How was the Prophet’s closest friend and companion? What did distinguish him? And how was his life before Islam? Where did his status in Islam come from?